Analysing Organic Social Media Data in 10 Minutes Posting on social media is great but what is all your effort worth if you don’t know the results? Measuring and analysing your organic Social Media data is important and not as difficult as you may think. In this blog post, I will show you how you…
5 Tips For Stopping Your Emails Going To Spam
5 Tips For Stopping Your Emails Going To Spam You are writing the best content in the world, but no one sees it because your emails end up in spam. How can you stop that? I know this topic is super boring but very important. I will try to keep it as simple as possible….
5 Tips For Creating Your LinkedIn Company Page
5 Tips For Creating Your LinkedIn Company Page Creating a LinkedIn business page can be done in no time but if you want it to be professional and make it stand out from the crowd, I suggest you have a quick read over these five tips for creating your LinkedIn company page. In case you…
10 Tips for Creating your Facebook Business Page
10 Tips for Creating your Facebook Business Page When I started my Facebook Business Page, I did not know a lot of the features that are available to create an epic page. Today I will share some of the tips I have learned along the way. Let’s get right into it. 1. Pinned Post A…
Do I need a Virtual Assistant?
Do I need a Virtual Assistant? We are just starting into 2021 and a lot of business owners look at how they can improve their business processes and reach their goals but how do you do that? Is hiring support like a Virtual Assistant for you? See if you find yourself in the description below….
10 Easy Steps To Streamline Your Productivity
10 Easy StepsTo Streamline Your Productivity When I started B Thriven, I felt overwhelmed with all the daily things that needed to be done. I realised quickly that I was wasting my time on things that should be done in no time. One day I sat down and created a plan to streamline my productivity….
What is SEO and why is it important?
What is SEO and why is it important? Guest Post by Melissa Gerke SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. In plain English, SEO is all about giving the reader the best search result possible. So if you want your website to be read by all of your ideal clients, you have to do a few…
Can you use Mailchimp as a CRM?
Mailchimp as a CRM, yes or no? Find out if Mailchimps CRM option is for you.
How To Sign Up To Mailchimp
Are you thinking of signing up to Mailchimp or simply would like to know how to import contacts or how to integrate Mailchimp with Facebook? Read more now.
Coronavirus – Stay At Home Ideas
A long weekend at home and no idea what to do with yourself? Don’t worry I’ve listed 45 great ideas of how to make this weekend and the next few months fun. Trust me you and your family won’t be bored.